Todd Beauchamp is a marketing executive that has led creative teams at Bravo, E! And Esquire Network that set new records in ratings, social and industry accolades. When he’s not busy convincing you to watch tv shows about eyebrow makeovers or whatever, Todd loves to produce music for artists like Tyler Hilton, Curtis Peoples and total pain-in-the-ass Candace Devine. Candace, Candace bo bandace. Banana fanna— What kind of bio is this? Do I really have to read this jibber jabber? Jesus Christ, Todd is an asshole. I mean, we’re friends, but, not, like, FRIENDS— you know what I mean? We should cancel him. Can I cancel him? For fucks sake, we’ve had Grammy winners on this show. What’s Todd done? We’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel this week. I’m just gonna skip ahead to the end. Anyway, Todd takes his work very seriously, but hates writing about himself in the third person and DEFINITELY didn’t write this bio specifically to make Candace Devine say stupid shit on her own podcast.
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